Heal, Nurture, Create.
Sacred Awakenings by Lyn Hill

Hi I’m Lyn and I’m Sacred Awakenings, a name born in the kitchen of a dear friend of mine as we discussed what it is that I do, what I offer. I see myself as a Guide, some of my clients see me as their Mentor. Somebody holding their hand on their path of healing and awakening to themselves whatever that may mean to them.
Why Heal, Nurture, Create? This kept coming to me in my own Shamanic Journeys and now more than ever seems to make so much sense to me as my Sacred Art has widened to include offerings of Sacred Spirit Eggs and Plant Dyed Magical and Ceremonial Cloths alongside Runic Sigils and so much more. The Sacred Art that began after a life changing journey in March 2018 during an Introduction to Sacred Art with Imelda Almqvist. Stirring the inner child and bringing creativity back to the surface.
I have now clocked up nearly 30 years’ experience of working with people in a healing therapeutic way. I have worked with survivors from Bosnia, with life changing injuries and profound trauma. Adults affected by substance use; those using the substances as well as their families. Adults with mental health issues, women who have experienced domestic abuse, people experience chronic and enduring pain and so much more.
Currently working as a Shamanic and Story Practitioner, Lagu Witch - creating runic water infusions. Collecting water at magical times such as Full Moon, Solstices and Equinoxes for my magical, sacred and creative practices. I work with spirit, creating sacred space, offering support and encouragement, to others on their journey of awakening, bringing spirit-led healing to the whole of their being, weaving together the threads of Seidr (Norse/Northern Traditions) and Core Shamanism. I also incorporate my Aromatherapy and Crystal training selecting essential oils and crystals in an intuitive way.
Writer and Textile Creator immersing myself in the outdoors particular water in all of her glorious forms and manifestations. Seeing us as part of nature not outside of it bringing this element to all aspects of my work. Knowing that we have the ability to reconnect with the seasons and cycles of each day, month and year. I feel this passionately when walking alongside women bringing them back home to themselves reconnecting with their inner wisdom and knowing; exploring the sacred feminine, their seasons and cycles of life alongside working with the Moon particularly around the menopause, from the time leading into the peri-menopause all the way through and out the other side.
Knowing that we are all the Author of our own lives that we have the ability to re-write our stories, our roles, the parts we play. There is so much power and healing in our own stories, seeking those which we have written ourselves and those we have allowed others to write for us.
I offer Well Woman (Womb) Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra one to one as well as incorporating them within my Circles, Workshops and Day Retreats.
I was part of setting up the Keighley Red-Tent, and co-facilitator for 3 years. More recently, alongside Sundy Gilchrist we have created the group Yorkshire Witch Way something that each of us had been bubbling in our own Cauldrons and birthed from the I Am Witch Exhibition.
For me honouring our teachers is very important and I have been incredibly lucky to have training with Simon Buxton of The Sacred Trust, Joanna Joy, Centre for Shamanic Arts, Rose “Thunder Eagle” Fink who shares the Women’s Ways of the “Twisted Hair” Grandmothers, Jane Hardwicke Collings of The School of Shamanic Womancraft, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli of Yoni Shakti and Yoga Nidra Network, Imelda Almqvist, Carol Day, Nirlipta Tuli of Yoga Nidra Network, Adelene Cheong and Lorraine Davis. All of whom have changed my life in so many ways for which I am eternally grateful.
My practice is based in the village of Ingleton, the Waterfall Village of North Yorkshire; what better place for a Water Witch to live! Set deep in the countryside of the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. The River Doe runs alongside my home and can be seen and heard from the room that I work in. After our time together you have the opportunity to spend time outside allowing the healing to begin to settle within you.
"As a teacher of Sacred Art and Seidr I like calling Lyn "Lagu Kona" (the Woman of the Water Rune) because she embodies the wisdom and flow of the primordial mother. Nurturing, healing, guiding and creating all come naturally to her. They flow through her. I witness the same flow in her artwork. In Lyn the difference between artist, poet and healer dissolves. They are one and the same!"
Imelda Almqvist, international teacher and author of three books including Natural Born Shamans: A Spiritual Toolkit for Life and Sacred Art: A Hollow Bone for Spirit