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Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, a time of deep rest, a time to welcome ourselves home in all that we are.  A time of rest, healing, a time to listen to your soul’s voice and the truth of who you are, bring you home to you.  A time of open invitation to listen or just allow the words and sounds to wash over you.  Being in any position that is comfortable for you at the time.  A time for you to be just as you wish to be.

If Nidra in a group isn't your thing I can lead you through a Nidra or we can co-create one together, a Nidra created with you for you, nothing can be more magical than that.  A Nidra weaving in your words, your wishes, hopes and dreams.  We can co-create and record the Nidra so that you have it to keep and listen to whenever you wish. 

A Nidra can be as short as 15 minutes, although mine are usually 20 – 30 minutes but can be longer and including visualisation or storytelling.  My Nidras are inspired by nature, including the seasons and cycles, the moon and what is happening right there and then whether we embrace the sun or the rain.

Nidra can be helpful for so many aspects of your life, from pain through to finding your soul’s purpose, anxiety through to opening your flow to your own creativity.

I trained with Yoga Nidra Network ( as they are non-lineage, working within strong Operating Ethics and A Statement of Solidarity and Affirmation of Right Action which I wholly support.

Well Woman Yoga

Well Woman (womb) yoga is yoga for all women of all ages and all phases of their life cycle, whether you have you physical womb space or energetic womb space. This type of yoga is about gentle movements it’s not about pushing yourself as far as you can, it’s not about feeling your edges, though at times you may well find them! This yoga is about relaxation and nurture. This yoga is indeed a spiritual practice, the spirituality of women all over the world, connecting with our life cycles. A powerful practice that leads to an inner knowing of your being; connecting with your body on both a physical and emotional level, unlocking and unblocking you on all levels. A womb yoga session isn’t just a series of asana it also comprises of a check-in as to where you’re at on that day, whether it be how you’re feeling, where you are in your cycle or season and an all important meditation time for you to land, leaving the day behind you.

Womb yoga is about you wherever you are, whatever you need, for uplifting and energising or calming and grounding, to reconnect and accept yourself, nourish and strengthen, become focused, build creative energies. It can help promote healthy menstrual cycles, support fertility, and ease the menopause.

Playshops (classes) and one to one sessions available. In a one to one session we can tailor the asana for you and what it is that you are wishing to achieve whether this be a healthier menstrual cycle, easing the transition through menopause, or help with fertility. One to one sessions can
include not only womb yoga but also gives us the opportunity to explore what else may support you at this current time whether it be inclusion of some meditation/mindfulness or hands or treatments such as shamanic healing or reflexology. After the initial session you may decide that you wish to bring your partner along so you can work together – this can be particularly beneficial in increasing intimacy and nurturing of each other when life transitions are taking a toll on your relationships whether this be support for fertility or for the transition through menopause.

“To practice Womb Yoga is to honour and embrace the original blood wisdom of your womb, or womb space energies, as the source” – Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

I have signed up to and support Yoni Shakti: The Movement

Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is a relaxation practice promoting a state of deep yet conscious rest.  Props are used to support the physical body, particularly when lying in a supine position ensuring that there is sufficient support at the neck and chest to allow this area to gently and slowly open.  The heart rate and blood pressure slow along with our breath.  Muscles relax and the body moves out of stress and anxiety mode, leading to improved sleep and a reduction in pain. It is not only about the physical body but the energetic body too.  The energetic shape and pattern of the body come into alignment alongside the physical body.


During Restorative Yoga poses are held from 1 or 2 minutes up to 20 minutes and sometimes longer.  Ideally, a savasana should be a minimum of 20 minutes as the average adult takes 15 minutes to drop into physiological relaxation. A class will normally be a sequence of three poses with the third one being a savasana, supported and nurtured wrapped in blankets.  Restorative Yoga is accessible to all, poses can be adapted to meet an individual’s needs.


If you prefer I can come to you and you can enjoy a one to one in the comfort of your own home.

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