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Upcoming Events

Dates for Your Diary

Sunday 27 October - 1.30pm to 5.00pm Samhain Retreat at The Mediation Centre, Dent

Monthly Women's Moon Circle
Where: The Meditation Centre, Flintergill, Dent, LA10 5QR


Wednesday 11 September

Wednesday 23 October

Wednesday 20 November

Wednesday 18 December - Winter Solstice Theme

Time: 6:30pm til 8:30pm 

Price: £15 per session


A monthly moon gathering for all women.  We will work with the current cycle of the moon when we meet whether that be Full, New or somewhere inbetween.  Learning more about our connections with the Moon Phases and our Natal Moon.  Each  month we  will move our bodies through a gentle Womb Yoga Sequence, suitable for all.  I will guide you through the deep rest of Yoga Nidra connecting us to the moon, her cycles and ours.  


Depending on the Moon Phase we will carry out a simple Ritual or Ceremony of setting intentions or releasing.  


Together we will create time for sharing over tea and cake.


To book your place please contact me on  for bank details or payment can be made via PayPal: (please use family and friends option)

Sleeping Herons Under A Scorpio New Moon

(A Year’s Wheel of Wilding and Divination)

Where: Online - Monthly Zooms

Date: Commencing 22 October 2024

Price: £300 (instalment options available)

Sacred Awakenings - Scorpio New Moon.webp

As we set sail with the Sleeping Herons Under A Scorpio New Moon, we will be wilding ourselves and finding the wild all around us. There are so many strands to this year long journey, yet the core of it all is about making friends with you, the real you, seeking who you are and how you relate to all that is around you.  Finding the wild within you and all around you.  Making friends and building relationships with all beings that inhabit the land around you.  Seeing how the Wheel is ever turning and how as the Wheel turns, so all around you changes.  The seasons and cycles within you and around you.  How each day is a new day filled with potential and possibilities and each time you look outside changes are happening, flowers are blooming, birds coming and going migrating across the lands and seas.  Trees blossom and bear fruits.  Colours vibrant one day and pale another.  The constellations in the skies above journeying from one hemisphere to another.  Yet within them they carry stories unique to you and your birth, your chosen day to appear in this world. 


We will follow the Astrological Calendar beginning with Scorpio.  Why Scorpio?  To begin with Samhain, seen as the end of the Celtic Year and the beginning of the New Year.  Why the Celtic Year? I am having a stronger pull each year to really tune into our seasons, listening to all that they have to say. Noticing all that is acted out around me, responses and reactions to the energetic shifts and changes of seasons. Also as many of you who have followed me for a while will know, I often talk about our own native, indigenous plants, trees here in the UK.  Although this has set off interesting conversations with friends around the use of this language and when does a plant become indigenous to us here in the UK.  If it was brought over by the Romans, does it count?  This is also leading to much research and taking me down many rabbit holes.  Also, a migratory bird, the swallow for example do they live here and travel to Africa or do they live in Africa and travel here?  Do they have two homes?


As the sun journeys across the skies on the first day of each Astrological month I will send you through the literature for that Astrological time and sign.  Each month will contain invitations for you to journey with, dance with, be with the tree, plant, bird.  To journey with the Astrological sign we are travelling through, you might wish to have your own natal chart and choose to journey to the sign and all that it brings in your own unique chart.  You might just wish to journey to the sign, the constellation of stars and see what message or medicine they hold for you.


Take as many invitations, enquiries, journeys, meditations as you wish.  You might well find that some resonate more with you than others.  Find the months, the plants, the birds that call to you.  Notice areas of resistance.  Perhaps some you will fully immerse and not come up for air until the very end.  Some you might dip a toe in here and there and that’s ok.  Just notice the resistance, the blocks, the flows.  Notice them, feel into them, breath into them.  See where they are in your body, how does it feel to gently move through the yoga sequence?  Unblock the restrictions, the tensions, allow the energy to flow.  Allow yourself to be, allow yourself to awaken and heal.  To write, to draw, to sketch, to paint, to move.  Embody this course however you wish.  Gentle short yoga sequences to fully embody ourselves and all that is around us

Please note no previous experience, knowledge or artistic skills are required.  All that you need is yourself and an open mind and heart. 


For more information, to sign up of If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to drop me a line on (A fuller description can also be found on my Substack posts)

Samhain Afternoon Retreat

Where: The Meditation Centre, Flintergill, Dent, LA10 5QR
Date: Sunday 27 October 2024
Time: 1:30pm - 5pm
Price: £25


Samhain is a time steeped in mystery and myth, a time when the veil is thin and we can commune with our Ancestors.  In times gone by it was not uncommon for families to gather for picnics on the graves of their loved ones.  Today our traditions and stories have been lost and replaced by the commercialism of Halloween and Trick or Treat. This afternoon retreat will be an introduction to Samhain and the old ways.


We will gently move our bodies through a yoga sequence to celebrate this time of year.  In old  traditions, still practiced by many this is the end of the Celtic Year and the beginning of the new year.  Our afternoon together will close with a Yoga Nidra.  In between we will have time for inner exploration of accepting that Winter will soon be upon us.  We will also explore many of the old stories that surround this time of year.


There will be time for tea and homemade vegan cake too!


 To book your place please contact me on  for bank details or payment can be made via PayPal: (please use family and friends option)

Zoom Well Woman Yoga Classes
When: Contact me to arrange a time & date
In the comfort of your own home!

Contact me using the details below to book your class or for more information.

Mobile:Lyn 07733 267048

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