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Makara and Retreat

We have two exciting workshops coming up in October. Our first one is on Saturday 14 October at Being Better, Skipton hosted by Lyn and Bev; Bev is a qualified Personal Trainer and Womb Yoga Teacher and is currently undergoing training as a Kids Yoga Teacher.

Womb Yoga at Sacred Awakenings

The Day of the Makara – what on earth is a Makara I hear you ask? It is the animal connected to your Sacral Chakra. It is a sea creature from Hindu mythology often depicted as half terrestrial and half aquatic often having a stag, crocodile or elephant as it’s front and fish or seal tail. The Makara are guardians of gateways or thresholds, and we will be viewing them as the guardian of our Sacral Chakra.

Our Sacra Chakra is our second chakra connected to the element of water and the Celestial Body of the Moon . Our Sacral Chakra is the centre of our emotions, sensation, pleasure, sexuality, movement and nurture often called our “seat of life”

It will be a day of delving into our sacral iliac joint a place where as women we hold our tension, we will be learning gentle yoga asana (poses/movements/postures/stretches whatever word suits you) to increase our flexibility and fluidity of this key area of our body. Our pelvic region is where we tuck away our hurts and hide our inner emotions. We will take a Shamanic drum journey to meet with our Makara, bring her home and learn how to work with her in our everyday lives.

We will also be learning gentle yoga moves to increase our flexibility and fluidity of this key area of our body. Sequences of movements that will open us up and connect us to our emotions. Should you wish there will be exercises to use everyday to continue the work you start today. We will reconnect with this part of our bodies delving into see how it feels and what it looks like to us on an energetic level. You will learn mudras (symbolic hand gestures used in yoga) along with mantras (sacred sounds or chants) related to this region of your body that you can easily use at home enabling you to work with and open up this area. You will receive a journal to take home to fill with your journey of discovery, a crystal to use on your pelvic region and a cream blended with essential oils to loosen your sacral iliac joint.

If you like what you see and hear the call come join us for the day.

£45 for the day payable upon booking, please contact us to arrange payment as numbers are limited to 12.

Please bring in a vegan dish to share for Selection of teas and vegan snacks available throughout the day.

Your nest will be ready and waiting for you, all you to bring is you and a bit of food.

For our second workshop we have once again teamed up with Emma Leaf of Infinite Energy and Yoga and we are returning to the Magical Fell Edge at Addingham Moorside on Saturday 28 October and welcome you to come and celebrate Samhain with us.

Samhain is a time to remember our family ancestors for looking both backwards to the past and forwards into the future. A time to overcome fears, laying ghosts to rest both psychological and psychic. The beginning of the Celtic winter and Celtic New Year giving us the opportunity tap into natures rhythm's and our own for the coming winter. As all of nature is going back to the earth the veil is thin between the world of the living and the realm of the dead, a time to celebrate, communicate and honour our Ancestors.

During this Shamanic Yoga day retreat : Lyn and Emma will be weaving their offerings together to unite for a very special day of connection with all.

The day will include pranayama (life force, breathing techniques) and mantra (sacred song) for transformation, Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath, Yoga Nidra, Yoga movement and Shamanic Drug Journeys. You are invited to bring a photograph of departed loved ones to place on our altar to honour and connect with all our ancestors.

We will begin the day by opening our sacred space with sage & drum ceremony inviting, and invoking transformation and the deepening of the heart of our spiritual practice.

Emma will be leading a Freedom for your body TRE session (trauma release exercises) where we will hold 5 specific yoga stretches to start the body shaking and then the tremors take over which is very releasing and satisfying helping us to lay some of those ghosts to rest.

Power Animal Yoga – Emma will lead us into a flow of animal yoga poses connecting us to the world of animals and how they move preparing our bodies and spirits for our Shamanic Drum Journey led by Lyn where will delve into the Lower World and connect with our Power Animal Ally and retrieve their essence back into the Middle World. We can then communicate and connect with our Power Animal at a deeper level in our own everyday life.

Lyn will also be leading us into a Shamanic Drum Journey where we will journey to connect with our ancestors, maybe someone we have known or someone deep in our past lineage. Our ancestors are wise and bring messages to us. We will be connecting with our ancestors to receive a message to find out what we need to let go of, we will then have a burning releasing ceremony. We will follow this with a further journey reconnecting to our ancestor to see what we need to bring into our life a new beginning for our Celtic New Year.

Sacred Awakenings Drum Ceremony.

Please also feel free to bring a drum or rattle, if you have one, last time during one of our mantra’s we had a beautiful spontaneous outpouring of music and dancing.

We will have time to walk on the land and truly connect with Mother Nature and the elements around us; a core part of our shamanic work is to connect with nature and her cycles.

Also please bring a journal and pen to make notes after your journeys.

£35 payable upon booking as spaces are limited to 20 max.

Please bring a delicious Vegan dish for our shared lunch.

Refreshments of herbal teas & water will be available throughout the day.

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