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New Moon

Tomorrow is the first New Moon of the year – what do you have planned? I have my Dark Moon Mug and Tea at the ready from Tarn and Moon. I have my New Moon board at the ready made by the lovely AJ and my New Moon Oil from Root & Flower. The New Moon is a perfect time for new beginnings, creating change. Apparently this week we had Blue Monday and no doubt I’ve missed the day when we were all supposed to break our New Year’s Resolutions. I like to think of each day as a new day, a new beginning, a new opportunity, each day is full of potential, but sometimes we can use the extra energy and power that the Universe kindly provides us with like a New Moon.

It might be that you’ve noticed that the evenings are becoming lighter already and that the snowdrops have already burst through, it feels like Spring is already in the air despite the fact we’re still in January. Nevertheless, this might well have got your thoughts turning to Spring and perhaps a Spring clean of the home, re-arranging spaces in your home, organising, decluttering. New Moon is a perfect time, start a new lunar cycle with a good old cleanse whether that be cleaning, decluttering, a good old smudging, or using some sound to cleanse your space. We’re more likely to keep with our changes if we start them in fresh energy rather than stale, stagnant energy. Remembering that this applies to our outdoor space as well as indoor. The beautiful Almanac that I received as a Christmas gift tells me that New Moon to 1st quarter is the time to “sow crops that develop below ground. Dig the soil”. Seems I was a bit previous as I dug my soil and weeded our raised beds last weekend but I’m sure all will be well.

If you have given up on your New Year’s Resolutions or didn’t make any, tomorrow I invite you to take time out to be in stillness, I invite you to have your very own New Moon Ceremony or invite some friends round sit in circle together bringing more power and energy to the Ceremony. Have a special cup or mug with some delicious herbal tea, light a candle, sink deep within yourself and see what comes up. What new beginnings, what changes surface within you? I invite you to listen to your inner wisdom, your inner knowing and see what words, pictures come into your mind, they might be something completely out of the blue something completely random and unexpected but I invite you to go with it. Perhaps you might also choose to pull a tarot or oracle card or pull a rune see what this lunar cycle holds for you. We might well find out that our New Year’s Resolutions were all about what we thought we ought to be doing rather than what we want to do.

So, if like me, you’re finding that January hasn’t gone to plan, let’s re-write our narrative, let’s set a new tone for the year ahead. Afterall February is just around the corner, starting with Imbolc, the time when things begin to stir, nature begins to unfurl her buds. A time of awakening, creativity and change. The time to give life to our visions and dreams, it is the season of growth and whatever seeds we sew now will expand, change and grow. Let’s take the opportunity to clear our space and energy at this New Moon making way for Imbolc and all that it can bring us.

P.S. There are a couple of spaces left on our Imbolc workshop too!

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