As September greets us with a definite feel and smell of Autumn in the air, we begin a time of turning inwards. The evening light is...
Stepping Into The Maga Years
I’m aware that many people don’t get why I talk about the peri-menopause and menopause so much. In fact some of my men friends have told...
Natal Moon Charting
Did you wake today full of vim and vigour? Did you wake full of energy? Did you bounce out of bed full of motivation, joy and happiness?...
April Full Moon
I know at the moment many of us are losing track of time and days of the week. I know I am, this morning I put the dustbin out, Nick...
New Moon
Tomorrow is the first New Moon of the year – what do you have planned? I have my Dark Moon Mug and Tea at the ready from Tarn and Moon. ...
Full Moon
Tomorrow is Full Moon; this one is often known as Pink Moon, this name comes from the flower ground phlox, also known as moss pink, a...
Reflections on 2018
Today has been a long day sat in front of the computer working hard on new ventures. The computer is not my favourite place to be yet I...
New Moon Intention
The New Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions, a time to dream in, manifest, whatever you wish to bring into your life. It is a...
It's been a while
It’s been a while, I was determined when I set out on my blog that I wasn’t going to be one of those people that just offered random...